
Monday, September 28, 2015

Providence St. Mel Parent Workshop October 3, 2015

Parent Resources for Encouraging and Enriching Math at Home

from Parents Helping.jpg

Websites and Readings for Parents

High School Math Review & Tutorials & Problems - a free resource with examples, problems, explantions and exercises.  Parents can use these free resources and problems to help your child learn math.



Maths bingo (mobile app)

Everyday Activities

Cooking helps counting!

Act like an architect: Draw your bedroom | GreatKids

Math and Literature

mathmarsha blog: Math and Literature: Books and Suggestions/Links for How to Use Them

Math and Children's Literature -- a GREAT resource!

Math Read-aloud Books

Fruit fractions | GreatKids

Math Literature, Math Resource Book, Math, Mathematics, Elementary Math

Home - Math Literature Connections - LibGuides at Bowling Green State University

Teaching mathematics through literature shows how to use the book Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg to explore probability, for grades 5-6.



Holidays and Seasonal

Pumpkin Math Estimates (grades 8 or 9)

Skill Practice

Problem Solving and Puzzles