Focus on NUMBER--counting, addition and subtraction:
Complete grade K lesson with links to everything you need
to enrich the story is here.
More resources online:
There are excellent ideas at the end of the book,
following the story:
Double the
Ducks (Doubling Numbers)
you've read the story together once, reread the story, using small objects such
as buttons, marbles, or blocks. Ask the child or students to "double the
number" of objects to match the storyline.
Tell the
child or students that you have thought of a number and then doubled it. Then
say what the doubled number is and ask if they can figure out what the original
number was. For example, if the doubled number is 10, the correct answer is 5. If
the child has difficulty, use a group of small objects—buttons, paper clips, or
pennies—that total your doubled number. Then have the child separate them into
two groups.
making a simple treat, like instant pudding, help your child or students double
the recipe.
Have the
children make “Doubles Books.” To prepare, take sheets of 8 1⁄2 x 11 inch
paper, turn it so it’s horizontal (wide) and draw a line down the middle. On
the left- hand side of each page, draw an object (for example, 1 person, 2
ducks, 3 balloons, 4 trees, and 5 flowers). Make enough photocopies so that
each child gets a set of pages. Ask the children to draw double the number
objects on the right-hand side of each page (for example, 2 people, 4 ducks, 6
balloons, 8 trees, and 10 flowers). Using a new sheet of paper, have the
children draw a cover for their Doubles Books. Staple each book on the upper
left hand corner. Your math whizzes are now authors!
I think the story lends itself to exploring more advanced
concepts involving ratios and proportional reasoning, so I like the idea of
sharing the book with older children as well.
Go BEYOND the numbers in the story with questions like:
If 5 more ducks joined the group, how many more _____
would be needed?
If 3 more friends showed up to help the boy in the story,
how many ducks could they care for?
Lisa Wheeler
What If We Changed the Book? Problem-Posing with Sixteen Cows
Problem Posing with Sixteen Cows
There are 16 cows. What if there were 20? 30? 100?
There are 2 fields. What if each owner had 2 fields? 4
There are 2 owners. What if there were 3 owners each with
8 cows? 4 owners?
Each owned the same What if each owned a
number of cows. different number of cows
but the total was still 16?
All the cows escaped. What if only half the cows escaped?
All the cows were the What if some cows were brown and
same (adult, female, white? Calves? Bulls?
black and white).
A Counting Story in Reverse, (a Tale
of Wickedness-- and Worse!)
From Utah State Office of Education, Academy Handbook
Kindergarten: for blackline masters
Ten Sly Piranhas Practice Ideas
To reinforce the concepts introduced in the
book and strengthen subtraction skills, here are some ideas you can try at home
with your child:
• Count out 10 Goldfish crackers and have your
child “gulp” down one at a time. Talk about how many crackers there were before
and after the “gulp.”
• Have your child draw a picture of a river.
Have them retell the story with Goldfish crackers.
• Using 10 small items from around your home
(buttons, Legos, cars, cereal) to practice subtraction.
• After practicing subtraction with the items,
repeat and write numbers along with subtraction.
• Using the crackers or small items, have your
child tell you subtraction stories. These are simple tales that give meaning to
the subtraction process. For example: “Five birds were in the nest. Two flew
away. Three birds are still in the nest.”
• Have your child make a book retelling the
story of the piranhas. Let them read it to you.
• Involve your child in everyday subtraction
around your home. Talk about what you are doing with them and have them solve
the problem. “We need five glasses for dinner. I have three on the table. How
many more glasses do I need?”
Use your imagination and have fun with your
child. Math is an important skill we use everyday.
Make it fun!
Thank you for your help!
Focus on NUMBER--multiplication and division, factors and multiples:
From blog ---
An excellent resource to use when creating your list of books to look for at the library is Math Patterns in Children's Literature. Before I read this book with my granddaughter, I found photos of a chocolate chip cookie and a plate from my everyday china pattern to make it realistic, and we acted out the story, sharing a dozen cookies among an increasing number of children. My granddaughter personalized the experience by using her stuffies to replace the humans in the story.
I can share the cookie and the plate:
Questions Parents Can Ask: *How many cookies for each person? How do you
*What if the doorbell rang only one time in the story?
*What if there were twice as many cookies in the story?
*What patterns do you notice?
Try making up your own story about division and fractions.
From Math Through Children's Literature: Making the NCTM Standards Come Alive By Kathryn L. Braddon, Nancy J. Hall, Dale B. Taylor
(need your library card for access; for some reason Evanston didn’t work for me but Wilmette did!)
Ma has made some cookies for her two children and is now trying to wash the kitchen floor. There are twelve cookies -- six apiece-- and the children think they look and smell as good as Grandma's, but "no one makes cookies like Grandma". That phrase is repeated throughout the book, as is "the doorbell rang" as more and more children enter to share the cookies (tracking up the floor as they come.) Eventually the children only have one cookie apiece and the doorbell rings yet again. However, this time it's Grandma with a big tray of cookies, which is perfect because no one makes cookies like Grandma.
This is one of those picture books that practically begs to be included in the math program. We've got pattern, problem solving, computation and data gathering for starters. The book is full of visual and verbal patterns. The children seem well conditioned to share their bounty so the computing of how many cookies apiece changes as the other children enter the picture and that, of course, involves problem solving. Since the number of cookies and the number of children is left to the reader, data gathering becomes necessary.
Much of the action in the illustrations goes beyond that mentioned in the text -- Ma's attempt to keep the floor clean, for instance. In fact, readers may notice that the increasing dismay on the faces of both Ma and her children is caused by two different factors: the cookies and the kitchen floor.
By: Conaway, Betty ; Midkiff, Ruby Bostick
The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins (1986) can be used to extend the understanding of fractions… Although this book does not directly discuss fractional concepts, the story provides a real-life problem-solving situation using fractional portions of 12. After the students have listened to the teacher read the book and have discussed ways to divide twelve items, ask the students to divide twelve paper cookies, twelve real cookies, or twelve pieces of popcorn. Extend this discussion by writing similar problems using a different number of children and cookies. For example, these two bags contain twelve cookies each. How many cookies do we have? (24) We have twelve students in our group. How many cookies will each student receive? (2) What fractional part of the cookies is that? (2/12) Then, depending on the grade level of the students, explore the concept of simplifying or renaming.
Hungry Ants
Materials: counters for building arrays, copy of 100 Hungry Ants;
Elinor J.Pinczes
1. After listening to the story, ‘One Hundred Hungry Ants’
choose one of the following numbers: 12, 24, or 36.
2. Suppose that there were this number of ants going to the
How many different
ways could the ants arrange themselves into equal rows?
3. Draw an array and write a number
sentence for each solution that you find.
4. How do you know that you have found
all the possible solutions for the number you chose?
children’s literature in teaching mathematics not only can enhance early
childhood learners’ understanding of abstract concepts in concrete ways, it can
also serve as a vehicle for addressing diverse learning abilities and styles.
Children’s math-related books have been increasingly incorporated and shown to
be effective in teaching mathematical concepts (Forrest, Schnabel, &
Williams, 2006; Huber & Lenhoff, 2006; Whitin & Whitin, 2006). The
following set of activities based on the children’s book, One Hundred Hungry
Ants, written by Elinor J. Pinczes and illustrated by Bonnie MacKain (1999),
demonstrates how teachers can incorporate this book to facilitate children’s
understanding of mathematical concepts:
In the story, a hundred ants are
marching to a picnic and want to get there as quickly as possible. Marching one
by one takes a long time, so one of the ants suggests two by two, then four by
four, and so on.
listening to the story, young children can count aloud the number of ants that
are illustrated on each page. The teacher models oral counting by twos on the
page where the ants march in pairs. By doing this, she provides the opportunity
to enhance learning for visual and auditory learners.
the teacher asks the children to physically become the ants and march one by
one and then two by two, she has created a situation that appeals to
kinesthetic learners.
further apply the mathematical concepts from the book and engage children in
open-ended mathematical investigation, she could ask questions, such as:
■ What would happen if there were
24 ants on their way to the picnic?
■ How could you show different ways
these 24 ants could march?
■ How could you use blocks to show
the 24 ants?
When children share their
pictorial representations of the situation and describe verbally how they chose
to show the ants marching, they are translating the visual into oral language.
demonstrating their selected arrangements with blocks, and then describing the
actions they use to solve the problem, children are again provided with the
opportunity to make connection between concrete experiences and abstract
activities described above utilize children’s literature to enhance
understanding of abstract mathematical concepts by:
■ providing opportunities for
concrete experiences
■ presenting situations that
maximize various learning modalities
■ teacher scaffolding through
■ engaging children in open-ended
mathematical inquiry and investigation
■ promoting both individual and
social construction of knowledge.
ideas in this article:
ideas – look at customer reviews!
are a few:
My kindergartener and I were talking about money,
one day, and he volunteered that he'd learned that ten dimes make a dollar when
his kindergarten teacher read "One Hundred Hungry Ants". This book
has no discussion of money, but it teaches that 100 equals 2 times 50, 4 times
25, 5 times 20, and 10 times 10, just the right lesson for him at that time.
This book was sent home with 100 unifix cubes to
use along with the book. We used the cubes as the ants. We started off with one
line of 100 cubes (as the ants). Then, in the story, they split into 2 lines of
50, so we split our cubes, too. Then, 4 lines of 25, and so on.... Excellent
book to use with the cubes to demonstrate different ways to make 100.
This book is fabulous and a staple in any good
elementary classroom. I love teaching arrays with this book. I use color tiles
and 1cm graph paper to create the different arrays and then cut them out and
place them on display to understand multiplication, addition and area.
Best resource for this book:
Blackline master of ants for acting out the story:
Activity pages:
Focus on ALGEBRAIC THINKING--Patterns:
Both of these
books CAN be used simply as counting books—but that would be missing a great
opportunity to investigate triangular numbers and tetrahedral numbers.
To start, just
focus on the number of gifts received each day.
Number of
gifts my true love gave to me
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 2 + 1 =
4 + 3 + 2 +
1 = 10
Do you see a
How is the
total related to the day number?
Can you write
an expression for the number of gifts on day 12?
If the pattern
continued, can you write an expression for the number of gifts on day 100? On
day N?
The numbers 1,
3, 6, 10, … are called triangular
numbers because each number of objects can be arranged in a triangular
shape (think of 1 as a “degenerate triangle” – a mathematical term).
The notion
that numbers have shapes is not unfamiliar to you—think about square numbers,
obtained by multiplying a counting number by itself (n)(n) = n2: 1, 4, 9, 16, …
There are many
cool patterns to notice already.
For example,
each square number can be separated (do this, using pennies) into two
consecutive triangular numbers. That is, 4 = 1 + 3; 9 = 3 + 6; 16 = 6 + 10;
obtain the next triangular number by adding consecutive counting numbers. For
square numbers you add consecutive ODD numbers.
(This raises a
nice “What if?” question – What if you work with EVEN numbers? Start with 2 and
add consecutive even numbers? What shape are the resulting numbers?
2, 6, 12, 20,
… are called oblong numbers.)
For the oblong
numbers, it’s relatively easy to see that each number is the product of two
consecutive counting numbers. That is:
1 x 2 2
x 3 3
x 4 4
x 5
So the formula for the kth oblong number is k(k+1).
But then
compare the oblong numbers with the triangular numbers. Each oblong number is
twice the corresponding triangular number. So what is the formula for the kth triangular number ?
k (k+1)
wait—there’s more!
We also want
to find out about the TOTAL number of gifts received by the end of each day.
TOTAL Number
of gifts my true love has give me so far
3 + 1 = 4
6 + 3 + 1 =
10 + 6 + 3 +
1 = 20
This time
we’re getting the SUM of the triangular numbers. This set is called tetrahedral
numbers because they have the 3-dimensional shape of a tetrahedron (triangular
pyramid). And this shape is also entirely familiar: You’ve seen cans or fruits
arranged in a pyramid in the grocery store:
Finding the
formula is beyond the scope of this workshop! It is
So for n =
The total
number of gifts = The sum of the first 12 triangular numbers = 364.
By Sierra, Judy
From the discussion:
Recently my granddaughter and I were
reading There's a Zoo in
Room 22 by Judy Sierra.
(Preview here on Googlebooks.)
It is written in verse, so we
discovered and labeled the rhyming PATTERNS.
This one is ABAB CDCD: This
one is AABBCC:
My granddaughter declared that
"hexaflexagon is not a word."
I happen to HAVE hexaflexagons--in
fact, all of the following:
So after finishing the book, we
explored the flexagons.
For directions and patterns to make
your own, go here.
And an exciting video here.
Another note about poetry and the mathematics of patterns:
Figure 2.3
Nursery Rhymes and Pattern Development
twinkle, little star, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ l
I wonder what you are! ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ l
above the world so high, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
a diamond in the sky. ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
twinkle, little star, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ l
I wonder what you are. ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ l
be nimble.
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
be quick.
¨ ¨ l
jump over ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
candle stick.
¨ ¨ ¨ l
… students can use pattern blocks to
build visual
correspondences to rhyming linguistic
patterns. Once students
learn this technique, longer nursery rhymes can be constructed geometrically,
thereby involving students in actively predicting, comparing, and checking both
geometric and linguistic patterns.
A Mathematical Folktale
By Demi
A Grain of Rice
Written and illustrated by Helena Clare Pittman
The King's Chessboard
By David Birch
One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale by Demi. New York: Scholastic, 1997. (ISBN 059093998X)
Middle – Using expressions, equations, and inequalities to represent situations and solve problems
Formulate algebraic equations that would predict the number of grains that would be given to the raja daily, etc.
available here:
Math Literature and Graphing Activities
> I will soon be a
student teacher. In my method class for math I was instructed to create a book
lesson intergrating math. I want to use Harriet's
Halloween Candy by Nancy Carlson, since it will be Halloween when
I present this to my class... I thought I would begin my lesson by reading the
book, then demonstrate what they would be doing. I am going to tell everyone
that they will all get a bag of candy, then when you get the candy, I want you
to sort it out into different groups such as tootsie rolls, etc., then color in
graph of the amount of candy you have. ( I am showing them as I am talking) How
does that sound?
Wendy, 10/25/00
Your thoughts are well thought
Other things might be: graph what they have sorted or create Venn
diagrams of the candy -- those with wrappers, such as Toostie Rolls and those
without wrappers, such as apples.
KathyB/1st/IA, 10/26/00
on math board
Best of luck when you
present your lesson. I'd like to suggest some further ideas in a different
format which you may or may not find helpful.
Integrating math with Harriet
means not only sorting and graphing, which is good, but also how can you tie
the feelings of selfishness and greediness into your lesson, which I believe is
the lesson Nancy Carlson wants the reader to explore. Here's an idea:
Choose the attributes
you want the students to work with (i.e. size, color, shape, etc.) and fill the
bags with any and everything (not just candy) that can be sorted like this. (As
candy is expensive, not very reusable, would probably take some of your young
students off task just thinking about eating it, you might use different
macaronis, shell beans, attribute or fraction blocks, some hard/soft candies
with,w/out wrappers, paper clips, marbles, etc. -- the more creative the
better!) Be careful that what you put in bags can easily be sorted into the
attributes you work with in your lesson: you may only want to focus on size and
color, for example, and fill as many bags as you have students. Put these bags
into larger bags so that you end up with one huge bag!
Hand this bag to one
person - what do others think? I'm sure you'll hear, "That's not
fair;" talk about why and what would be fair. Also, tell that one person
that s/he will have to do all of the work. Discuss briefly and then go on to
give everyone their own bags.
Go on to sort, graph,
diagram (using rope circles on the floor works well and working in groups
Then read the book, drawing
on students' experiences and how they felt when doing the math lesson and tie it with Harriet
and her brother's feelings, summing up similarities/differences.
By Myller, Rolf
Use this lesson:
Ask why the bed
created by the apprentice is not what the king expected.
Print a Making Beds activity sheet for your child.
Discuss your
child’s responses to the tasks described on the Making Beds
activity sheet. In particular, discuss responses to questions 5 and 6. Question
5 asks, "Why do you think the ruler was invented?" Question 6 asks
students to consider, "The preface of the book says, 'To the wonderful
metric system without whose absence in this country this book would not have
been possible.' What do you think the author means by this statement?"
Students might discuss how the Metric system is not used in our country.
Students may discuss how much easier it is to use and convert in the Metric
system because it is based on powers of ten.
Another excellent treatment of this book is in
Clement, R. (1991)
available here:
In this lesson, students read the
book Counting on Frank. They use information in the book to make
estimates involving volume. In particular, students explore the size of
humpback whales.
Story Summary
The narrator
likes to collect facts with the help of his dog, Frank. Each two-page
spread of this book includes a different fact involving such mathematical
topics as counting, size comparison, and ratio along with delightful
Structuring the
Ask students to
brainstorm what they already know about humpback whales. If they do not know a
great deal about this topic, discuss where this information can be found. Two
internet resources include:
Ask your child to
predict the size of a humpback whale, and explain her estimates.
Read the book, Counting
on Frank, by Rod Clement aloud. Print a copy of the Getting
The Facts activity sheet (reproduced below).
Ask your student
to calculate how large a box is needed to hold the average humpback whale.
Because the data will most likely include weight and length, your child will
have to make inferences about several dimensions of the box. These decisions
should be justified in questions 1 and 2 of the Getting
The Facts activity sheet.
After estimating
the size of the boy's house, encourage your child to describe the process she used
to find the answer. Discuss the information needed to determine the number of
whales that would fit inside the house. Have your child complete the activity
A Math Adventure
1. Read
page 3 and stop before the last sentence. Describe the mental picture that you
see, such as many men on foot and knights in armor on horseback congregating on
a hill overlooking the place where you are standing. Ask some students to
describe the picture they see.
2. Read
the story stopping at page 8 and ask some students to describe their mental
images. Have all students sketch or make a picture of the new table.
3. Read
through page 11 and again have students represent the newest table using the
special rectangular papers.
4. Read
through page 14 and ask students to quickly sketch one of the flags.
5. Read
pages 16 and 17. Give students time to work with a partner to create the
octagonal table from the parallelogram. Provide written or verbal clues from
the diagram on page 17 if necessary.
6. Read
pages 18 through 25 and have the students sketch, create with string and pencil
compass or select a circle.
7. Read
pages 26 through 31. Have students identify the diameter, radius and
circumference of their circles at the appropriate point.
A Cloak for the Dreamer
Aileen Friedman
lesson and discussion, with black line master at
centers around these shapes, on the BLM. Two approaches are presented.
first teacher interrupted the story and had the children describe the problem
and propose their own solutions. The next day they read the entire story, got
tagboard printouts of the BLM below, and the directions that follow.
the second approach, on page 13, Marilyn Burns read the whole story with the
children in one sitting. Then:

is a video describing how to create a tessellation:
Grandfather Tang's Story
by Ann Tompert
Three Pigs, One Wolf, and Seven Magic Shapes
by Grace Maccarone
These books introduce your child to the Tangram Puzzle -- seven geometric shapes that can be used to explore a wealth of topics in geometry and measurement.
Suggestions are provided in the margins of the text itself. Cooking is one of the best real life situations in which your child naturally gains experience with fractions.
Available online resources:
Math Links: Teaching the Nctm 2000 Standards Through Children's Literature (lesson starts on page 124)
By Lionni, Leo
Book: Inch by Inch by Leo
Reading of Inch by Inch
Prepare to read the book, Inch by
Show cover; give title, author and
illustrator. (Explain that author is the person who writes the book and the
illustrator is the person who draws the pictures.)
children to look at the cover and predict what the story is about. Call
attention to the inchworm and say, “This is an inchworm. Let’s read and find
out what happens to the inchworm in the story.”
Read the
story so all children can see the pictures in the book.
Follow up
by showing pictures and inviting children to help you name the different
that the inchworm met and which parts of each bird’s body the inchworm
Reading of Inch by Inch
measuring tools to story time: ruler, metal measuring tape, cloth measuring
tape, yard stick. Keep them out of sight of the children until you have read
the story to them.
to read the book, Inch by Inch.
cover, give title, author and illustrator.
children why they think the title of the book is Inch by Inch.
children to show how big they think an inch is.
Read the
story so all children can see the pictures in the book.
Follow up
the second reading by showing the children the measuring tools. Allow
them to
examine the tools.
children to find the numeral 1 on their tool. Explain that this means one inch.
children find the numeral. Children may notice other numerals on the tools.
that the 2 means two inches and so forth.
Place the
book on the floor and turn to the page where the inchworm is at the top
of a
plant looking at the nightingale. Use one of the measuring tools to measure
inchworm and say, “This inchworm is one inch long.”
children to suggest other objects in the room they might measure.
that some of the measuring tools will be placed in learning centers for
to use for measuring.
measuring tools in Block Center and in Discovery/Science Center, for
Reading of Inch by Inch
to read the book Inch by Inch.
cover and invite children to recall the title. Give name of author and
children in discussing the objects in the room they measured. “How many
long was______?” (objects they measured)
Read the
story so all children can see the pictures in the book.
Follow up
the third reading by asking children why the inchworm could not measure the
nightingale’s song. (Inchworm measures things, not songs) How did the inchworm
keep the nightingale from eating him? (He inched out of sight of the
lesson on estimation and measurement based on this book is included in Math
and Literature, Grades 2-
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