mathmarsha blog
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Yes, That's My Mother! by Marsha Landau, illustrat...
Not Your Average Halloween, updated, with illustra...
Steps of Wonder--a free, illustrated math story for ages 9-12
Family Math Activities for Halloween
SAT Exemplars for Math Strategies
Heart-Healthy Eating
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Using Virtual Manipulatives to Strengthen and Extend Your Student's Math Learning
Using Virtual Manipulatives to Strengthen and Extend Your Student's Math Learning Enrichment Workshop for Parents of K-5 Students at...
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Enrichment for Grades 2 and 3
Tasks for exploring math that are likely outside the school curriculum Task 1. What can you do with 4 identical isosceles right trian...
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Parent Resources for Supporting Math Learning at Home Interactive Manipulatives Online Virtual Manipulatives from Glencoe -- algebra...
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