
Family Math Activities for Halloween

Home-based Halloween-Themed 
Activities to Do with Your Child


Halloween will be here soon.  Try to come up with ideas for incorporating mathematics into Halloween at your home.

 CLASSIFY the goodies—determine useful categories, such as




or simply “FAVORITES” and “YUCKY”

then COUNT the members of each set.  Put your findings into a BAR GRAPH.


Or, if your categories overlap, make a VENN DIAGRAM to display your results.

Have each child count his/her treats. (COUNTING)

If more than one child went trick-or-treating, ask:

Who has more?  (COMPARISON)

How many more?  (SUBTRACTION)

If you put all the treats together and took fair shares, how many treats would each of you get?  (ADDITION, DIVISION)

If you are allowed to eat 3 treats a day, how many days will your treats last?  (DIVISION)  

When will you run out of treats? (CALENDAR MATH)

Display ENTHUSIASM for these mathematics activities!! Math is fun!!

More NUMBER ideas:


How many treats should we buy for trick-or-treaters who come to our door?

How many treats do you predict you’ll get if we go door-to-door on our street?

How many seeds are there in a pumpkin?


Make a Halloween budget — cost of treats, jack o’lantern, materials for making a costume, etc.

In the supermarket:

purchasing treats to hand out – calculate price per treat in a bag, buy enough treats, stay within the budget

ingredients for pumpkin pie – check amounts against what the recipe requires

paying for the groceries, checking the change


Carving a jack o’lantern — circles for eyes, triangle for nose, etc.; symmetry; measure diameter and circumference of the pumpkin

Baking a pumpkin pie — measure all the ingredients

Sewing a costume — measure your child, measure fabric, etc.


Keep track of the costumes that come to your door — which costume was most popular? Use a tally.

(children's faces were deliberately deleted)

Make a graph.