
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pattern Block Workshop, CTD January 25, 2014


I've been collecting materials here for today's hands-on pattern blocks workshop for parents of gifted children enrolled in the Saturday program at the Center for Talent Development. I've decided to make my preparation public here, so this is a "work in progress." Stay tuned. I am likely to continue to add to this entry after the workshops.


Use your pattern blocks to create a picture or design.

Here's an example:

Make a graph to show how many of each type of pattern block you used.

Then, just for fun, watch this:
Pattern Blocks Art by DJ JAB and DJ Simms - YouTube


Try to make a pattern block person using the following pieces:
2 yellow hexagons
4 red trapezoids
1 blue rhombus
4 green triangles

Or choose your own blocks.

Try to "cover a floor" by creating a pattern using two different shapes only.  Try using only orange squares and blue rhombuses. Now "cover a floor" using green triangles, blue rhombuses, and one other shape.


A quick tour -- two-minute video suggests the many mathematical topics that can be explored using pattern blocks.

Note:  There are all kinds of math lessons using pattern blocks to be found on youtube. They vary from very elementary to more complicated topics. Some videos are designed to show the viewer what an activity might look like--here is a young girl just learning about the shapes of the blocks. Other videos are designed to teach teachers how to use pattern blocks with children.  For example, you can use the extended set of pattern blocks and this video to learn about dividing fractions. Or look at the same topic taught by a different teacher.  What I really like about using youtube in this way is that it serves students who need a different explanation or those who prefer one teacher to another. You can look at a few different lesson series and choose the one you like best.

More from youtube:
Patterning with Pattern Blocks ABB
Pattern Blocks Fractions
Pattern Blocks - Polygons
Pattern Blocks - Regular and Irregular Polygons
Pattern Blocks - Tessellations

Here's a delightful video showing a young child covering a six-pointed star in multiple ways:
Composing Shapes with Child 12 » Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative

If you prefer pinterest:
Pattern Blocks on Pinterest


TIPS for Manipulatives PATTERN BLOCKS

VIRTUAL MANIPULATIVES to use until you get a set at home
Patch Tool
Pattern Blocks - NLVM
Pattern Blocks 2 - ShapeGame

or print these on card stock and cut them out:
Expanded Set of Ten Pattern Blocks - Montgomery County Public ...

Pattern Blocks Grid
Dynamic Paper   choose Graph Paper, then Isometric Dot Paper


Follow the pattern -- Which shapes go next? -- interactive
K-2 Lesson Look How I'm Growing (starts on page 6)

Same Shape, Different Pieces
Pattern Block Fill-In, shape A
Math Forum: Activity Pattern Blocks
Region Relationships
Region Relationships 2
Region Relationships 3
Gr.5-6 How many ways can you think of to build hexagons using your Pattern Blocks?
Angles with Hinged Mirrors
Measuring Angles A Lesson for Seventh and Eighth Graders (uses hinged mirrors)


Cynthia Lanius' Lessons: Fraction Shapes
What's My Number?
Cynthia Lanius' Lessons: More Fun Fractions
Cynthia Lanius' Lessons: Draw Fun Fractions
Cynthia Lanius' Lessons: Designer Fractions
Modeling Fractions with Pattern Blocks

Grades 4 to 6 Volume 5 Fractions See page 48ff.

5th And 6th Grade Math Lesson: Teaching Fractions  classroom video



Designer Fractions - Symmetry


RepTile-AS-RepTiles  (extensions: Mathematics, Nature, and Rep-tiles;  Tilings with the Neighborhood Property)
Tiling the Plane
Math Forum: Tessellations using Activity Pattern Blocks

Symmetry Using Paper Folding, Pattern Blocks, Miras, and Origami  (downloads a Word document)


What’s My Rule for Sorting?

Many Ways to Create Patterns

PATTERN BLOCK TOY FACTORY ◆ Pattern Blocks ◆ Grades K-2

Pattern Block Lessons to Meet Common Core State Standards Grades K–2

Grades K-2 lesson on growth patterns

Kindergarten to Grade 3 Geometry and Spatial Sense  pattern block lessons begin on page 78
Geometry and Spatial Sense, Grades 4 to 6  pattern block lessons begin on page 79

Pattern Block Lessons to Meet Common Core State Standards Grades 3–5

Problem Solving Using Pattern Blocks

Slides, Flips and Turns

Investigating Fractions with Pattern Blocks

Pattern Block Fractions

Expanding Our Pattern Block Fraction Repertoire

Art Project with Pattern Blocks

Exploring the Value of the Whole

Understanding fractions

Covering the Plane with Rep‑Tiles
(explore further at Rep-Tiles and Rep-Tile -- from Wolfram MathWorld


This is a whole book, and it is terrific!  (many pattern block activities, starting with Lab 1.1; see especially Lab 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 5.4, 5.6, 7.2, 7.4, 9.5, 10.4, 11.8)

RepTiling the Euclidean space

Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns, Problems, and Packings

 By Solomon W. Golomb
explore this at Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns, Problems, and Packings - Solomon W. Golomb - Google Books

Pattern Block Rock by David Tulga


Mathematical Exploration - Mathematical Exploration: Trapezoids to Triangles

for excellent activities:
Developing Mathematics with Pattern Blocks, Grades K-5: Paul Swan, Geoff White
(show sample pages)

Hinged Mirror [10234] - $2.99 : Educators Outlet, Buy More For Less

Wood 1 cm Pattern Blocks (250) - Bag [10212] - $17.49 : Educators Outlet, Buy More For Less
Fraction Pattern Blocks - Plastic .5 cm Set of 30 in a Box
Fraction Pattern Blocks - 1 cm Thick

Fraction Blocks - Set of 70 (these are the double hexagons and the chevrons)