
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Interactive (dynamic) geometry software, free online

There are many options here. I think it makes sense to download one or more of the free software packages and see how they "play," then look at the demo version of Geometer's Sketchpad for comparison and decide whether or not it's worth the investment for your family. Personally, I am quite smitten with Sketchpad and highly recommend it.



DG Dynamic Geometry (for PC only)


Geometer's Sketchpad
The free demo version available online is 
If you are a teacher or homeschooling parent, it seems that you could download the demo and use it for 60 days to decide whether you wish to purchase the software. The student edition is available for $39.95.  If your child's school has a site license, you can get the student edition for $29.95.  Here's the link:
There is a vast array of videos, lessons, and many other resources online for GSP.  Here are a few:
Dynamic Manipulation and Mathematical Learning - The Geometer's Sketchpad Resource Center

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dynamic Geometry Follow-Up

Just to show what you can do with dynamic geometry software, here are some illustrations using the free software, Cinderella.

The task is to draw any quadrilateral, ABCD; locate the midpoints of the sides; connect the midpoints of the sides consecutively to obtain quadrilateral EFGH. Drag free points and make a conjecture about EFGH.

Here are three pictures of what happens when you move what is free to move. First, the diagram at the start:

Next is a picture showing what happens when the original quadrilateral is dragged to make it convex:

Finally a shot of what happens when the dragging makes ABCD into something we wouldn't even call a quadrilateral:

What appears to be true about EFGH in all three illustrations? How could you prove it?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mathematics sites by category

Algebra including functions, graphing, trig

Problem Solving
Newton's Window Math Challenges Getting Started
Number Theory
Discrete Math: Combinatorics, Graph Theory


History of Math

Geometry and spatial visualization including symmetry, tessellations, topology, knots, origami
Logic/Foundations/Set Theory

Set Theory Using the Game SET


Applications/Connections including art, music, sciences, etc.
Multi-category, miscellaneous
A Disney classic in three parts:

Monday, July 5, 2010

upcoming workshop

I'll be doing a workshop for parents of students in the Leapfrog program at the Center for Talent Development, Palatine location, on Friday, July 30, 2010, 10:00-11:30 a.m. The focus is technology, so I will be sharing ideas and examples about ways to use the internet with gifted children, grades pre-K - 3. For more information, contact the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University.